
Monday, May 20, 2013

Theme and Analysis of "Buffalo Bill's" | Major English Class 11

Questions | Major English
Theme and Analysis of “Buffalo Bill’s”
e e cummings
Class : 11

The poem “Buffalo Bill’s” written by modern American poet e e cummings is generally considered as a unusual but sincere tribute to the legend of the famous American Cowboy, William Cody. In this poem, the poet has exploited the aesthetic potentialities of typographical experimentation.

Buffalo Bill, who used to ride a white horse and break very quickly the clay pigeon targets, is now dead. He was a handsome man and the poet wants to know how much the Death likes him. Since the poet capitalizes the initial letters of Buffalo Bill, Death and Jesus, he gives equal status to all these three. But since he does not capitalize “i”, the poet thinks that he himself is minor in comparison to legendry figure, William Cody. The style of e e cummings in “Buffalo Bill’s” is unique. He has not \

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