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Monday, May 13, 2013

One Important Question with Answer from "Concrete Cat" and Summary

English | Questions
Concrete Cat
Dorthi Charles
Class : 11 | The Magic of Words

This poem is composed by Dorthi Charles. In this poem the poet has described about physical appearance of the cat. This poem is an example of a concrete poem, a poem made for the eye not for ears. This poem has presented the catness in action. The poet has fully concerned with physical appearance of the cat. Capitalizing the `A' in ear, he has shown the shape of the cat's ear. Similarly,' U' in the mouth looks like a tongue. The capital' Y' in eyes has made it looks like eyes. The main concern of such poem is with the physical parts of the poetry. The poet has used pun in the middle part of the structure of the cat. The cat's middle stripe is the only place where languages aspires forward poetry and becomes figurative. The poem is humorous. This poem is not concerned with feelings, ideas, and emotions. The words are only used for making the structure of the cat. Stripe means a long band of colour in the body of cat and stripes mean lining of a cows or pigs stomach, eaten. As food, but in this poem it means stomach tissues of a mouse, which the cat has eaten. All the words are made for different parts of the cats. The mouse is killed by the cat and it is kept upside down. Every word forms a certain limbs of the cat, Ears are pointed upright. Eyes show sign of surprise. The tail is moving happily. The whiskers are wonderful and the tongue is moving for dish. Therefore this is different types of poem which is only made for eye not for ears. 

Important Questions 
1. `Concrete Cat' is an example of a concrete poem, how? 
Ans: This poem is made for eye. This poem doesn't concern much with emotions. The capitalized `A' in ear is for pointed ear, 'Y' for eyes, 'U' for cat's mouth. Similarly the words `stripes' is for stripes of the cat and `upside' mouse indicates dead mouse and the cat killed it. The poem is very fully and humorous. The poet is successful to give the concrete structure of the cat with the help of individual letters and words. 

Questions for Practice 
1. How does the Dorothy Charles make use of language, print and space to describe a cat in "Concrete Cat"? 
2. What else beside that cat does "concrete Cat" describe? Why do you think the poet finds it important to describe these items?

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1 comment:

  1. your blog was very helping to me.. i'm definitely gonna use it when i'll prepare for exams.. whenever i start preparing for my CAT i always keep looking for blog like these.. i had once found one blog about the Important things about CAT exam and this blog was really helping.. everyone should read it once


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