
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Public Enterprises - Features and Current Status in Nepal | Economics Class 11

Notes | Economics
HSEB Notes on Public Enterprises-Features and Current Status in Nepal
Class : 11

Public enterprises:
Those enterprises which are earned by the government are called public enterprises. These enterprises have autonomy in management and legally independent entity. These enterprises are directed and controlled by the government. Public enterprises are also called social industries or government enterprises. In Nepal, these enterprises are called “Government Owned Enterprises.” According to A.H. Henson, “a Public enterprise means state ownership and operations of industrial, agricultural and commercial undertakings (enterprises).” Therefore, the enterprises owned, managed and operated by the government with definite objectives are called public enterprises.

Features of Public Enterprises:
  1. It should have government ownership.
  2. It has autonomy in management.
  3. It has legally independent entity.
  4. It is directed and controlled by the government.
  5. It is accountable to the people.
  6. It has features of commercial enterprise.
Current status of public enterprises in Nepal:
Nepal is a developing country. It has been adopting mixed economy having co-existence of public and private sectors. Thus, there are some public enterprises established in Nepal. Public enterprises in Nepal are operating under six broad sectors i.e. industrial sectors, commercial sectors, social sector, service sector, public utility sector and financial sector. At present, there are 37 public enterprises in Nepal.

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