
Monday, May 6, 2013

Old Question Paper of Compulsory English 2057 Class 12

Old is Gold | Question Paper
HSEB Old Question Paper of Compulsory English
Class : 12
Year : 2057

Time: 3hrs | Full Marks: 100 | Pass Marks: 35
Attempt All Questions.
1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below. 5*3=15
Antlers grow from permanent knoblike bones on a deer’s skull. Deer use their antlers chiefly to fight for males or for leadership of a herd. Among most species of deer, only the males have antlers, but both the male and female reindeer and caribou have antlers. Musk deer and Chinese water deer do not have antlers at all. Deer that live in mild or cold climates lose their antlers each winter. New ones begin to grow the next spring. Deer that live in tropical climates may lose their antler and grow new ones at other times of year. New antlers are soft and tender. Thin skin grows over the antlers as they develop. Short, fine hair in the skin makes it look like velvet. Full-grown antlers are hard and strong. The velvety skin dries up, and the deer rubs the skin off by scrapping its antlers against trees. The antlers fall of several months later. The size and shape of the deer’s antlers depend on the animal’s age and health. The first set grows when the deer is from one to two year old. On most deer the first antlers are short and straight. As deer gets older, their antlers grow larger and from intricate branches.

i. According to the passage, how do primarily use their antlers?
ii. In what ways are reindeer and caribou different from other types of deer?
iii. When do the deer that live in temperate climates begin to grow their antlers?
iv. What factors influence the size and shape pf a deer’s antlers?
v. What happens to deer’s antlers s the deer grow older?

2.Answer the following question. 5*3=15
a. Whom does Marsha Traugot refer to as the children who wait? (The children who wait)
b. What are the four things that Ray Young Bear remembers about his grandmother?
c. What is the central idea of the poem ‘Traveling Through the Dark’?
d. What do the bird and the expanse of water symbolize in the fairy tale ‘Hansel and Gretal’?
e. How is Karnali linked economically with low land regions to the south?
f. What kind of love experiences are suggested by Alyohin in ‘About Love’?

3. Answer any one of the following 10
a) Narrate the story of a boy’s growth from an ordinary boy to an assertive young man. (The last Voyage of the Ghost Ship)
b) What is the historical significance if Martin Luther King’s speech? (I have a dream)

4. Change the voice of the following sentences using supposed to:
i. They say there’s a monster in Loch Ness.
ii. I am told that garlic stops you catching cold.
iii. Apparently Marilyn Monroe was an insomniac.
iv. They say Methuselah lived form more than 300 years.

5. Change the verbs given in bracket into their correct form. 4
i. I think they are (go) to declare war.
ii. They’ve been (mend) the road since last week.
iii. I (find) people who spit in the street offensive.
iv. People who are always (complain) depress me.

6. Complete the sentences by joining the following words using, when……4
i. Meet/stranger------shake hands--------
ii. Eat/meat -----------pay/bill--------
iii. Water/boil---------pour/teapot-------
iv. Arrive/border-----show/passport

7. Rewrite the following sentences using ‘seem’. 5
a. You see someone climbing through a window.
b. When you touch your writing desk, you notice its sticky.
c. The postman always delivers a lot of letters with foreign stamps to his house.
d. You only see his children during the school holidays.
e. He usually carries a walking stick when he goes out.

8. Change the following sentences into indirect narration 5
a. ‘Shall we take sandwiches?’
b. ‘Do you think I should buy some spare batteries?’
c. ‘What does it feel like to be hypnotized?’
d. ‘Please you must help me! I don’t know what to do?’

9. imagine you are in a situation below. 5
a. Write a wish for each of the following situations:
i. It is your birthday.
ii. You’re tired
iii. You’re stuck half way up a mountain in for.

b. Express regrets for the following situations
i. You forgot to write home to your parents.
ii. You left your motor bike at your college.

10. Write in about 50 words a joke you shared with a friend. 5
11. Rewrite these sentences beginning: ‘If there’s one thing e.g. (I hate /Dislike loathe/deserts/etc.) 5
a. People who are cruel to animals.
b. I detest people who interrupt when I’m speaking.
c. People who break promises make me angry.
d. I hate people who speak while eating.
e. I loathe people who ring me up early in the morning

12. Write in about 120 words about the most exciting event in your life. 10 (Describe the event, where did it take place, who were involved, how did it effect you/your friends, how do you remember it.)
13. Change the sentences below, using sure to, certain to, bound to, likely to and unlikely to:
a. The price of bread will definitely go up within a few weeks.
b. He probably wont arrive.
c. I doubt if they’ll move out this summer.
d. I except there will be lots of people at the meeting.

14. Read this paragraph and answer the questions given below. 10
‘Soon after I started teaching maths, I discovered that it was far harder work than I’d expected it to be. I’d imagined I would have plenty of time to myself (after all, I was officially working far fewer hours than I had been in my previous job)- but instead I found myself working late every evening just to prepare for the next day’s classes. But it was also a lot more satisfying than I’d imagine it would be……….’

Why does the writer think

i. That teaching would be an easier job.
ii. That he would have lots of spare time to himself.
iii. That teaching turned out to be a harder job.
iv. That teaching job was more satisfying.
v. Summarize the passage in one sentence.

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