
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Old Question Collection (Lone + Short) of Class 11 English 2060-2069 from first Six lesson | The Magic of Words

Question Collection
HSEB Question Collection of English from 2060-2069 BS
Class : 11

Long answer questions
a. Write the story 'The Recurring Dream' in your own words.
b. Write about a dream you have had. Also describe its significance in your real life. Short answer questions
a. Why do people have recurring dream?
b. Describe Kimberly Clark. Is she a mad? Explain.
c. Describe the dream of Kimberly Clark.
d. Why does Janet want to take Kim to her country house?
e. Why doesn’t Janet Wilson let Kim go to the cottage?
f. What happens after Kim and Janet Wilson reach the country side?
g. Do dreams have any connection to the real life? Explain.
h. Why do you think Kim has a recurring dream?

Long answer questions
b. How does the story explore the theme of reincarnation? Explain.
Short answer questions
a. Describe Maria del Carmen and her death.
b. Describe the grief of Roberto and Rosa Soto.
c. Why did Rosa want to give the belongings of Carmen to the priest from another village?
d. How was Roberto different from Rosa in matter of giving the belongings of Carmen to a priest?
e. Explain the statement 'To have hope is good, but false hope is not good'.
f. Describe how the doll was lost.
g. Why was new baby girl named as Evangelina? Discuss.
h. Describe the similarities and differences between Maria del Carmen and Evangelina.
i. How was the lost doll found?
j. How did Evangelina reveal the mystery of the lost doll?
k. How do you know the Soto family was poor?
l. Do you believe on reincarnation? Why or why not?
m. Justify the title 'The Lost Doll'.
n. Describe the similarities between Maria del Carmen and the doll.

Long answer question
Short answer questions
a. Describe Dr. Emil Braun.
b. Why did the doctor decide to follow the little girl though he was very tired?
c. What happened on the way after Dr. Emil Braun followed the little girl?
d. Why did the little girl move away from the doctor instead of walking together?
e. What happened after the doctor and the little girl reach an old tenement house?
f. Who actually was the little girl? How do you know? Explain.
g. Why was Dr. Emil Braun surprised? When Elda told him that her daughter died of flu in September.
h. Do you find any connection between Elda's hoping and praying for Dr. Emil Braun and his arrival? Explain.
i. Sketch the character of Dr. Emil Braun.

Long answer questions
b. Compare and contrast the stories 'The Loving mother' and 'The House Call'
Short answer questions
a. Why didn't Shoji Sakota open the door though he heard the knock many times?
b. Why did Shoji Sakota finally open the door?
c. Describe the lady who visited Shoji Sakota at midnight.
d. Why didn't Shoji Sakota continue his work that night after the visit of a mysterious lady? What happened after they developed the film? Explain.
e. What happened after Shoji Sakota followed the mysterious lady?
f. Who actually was the mysterious lady? How do you know?

Long answer questions
a. How does the story describe the psychological trauma of Armando Gonzalez? Or
Describe various incidents that intensified the fear of Armando.
Short questions
a. Describe the economic status of Armando.
b. What happened after Armando entered the bank?
c. Describe the incidents that happened to Armando while he was waiting for a bus in the street?
d. Why did Armando get frightened on the bus? Explain.
e. Why was Armando happy while waiting for the bus?
f. Describe the incidents that happened to Armando after he got off the bus.
g. How did Armando feel relief?
h. Sketch the character of Armando Gonzalez.
i. Why did Armando think that everyone in the bank was watching him? What was the truth?
j. Describe the story 'fear' as supernatural story.

b. Write the central idea of the poem 'My Heart Leaps up When I Behold'.
c. Explain the paradox in 'The Child is Father of the Man'.
d. What does the poet mean by 'natural piety'?
e. Does the poem support his definition of poetry? Explain.

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