
Monday, May 13, 2013

Four Important Questions With Answer form "The Poplar Field" and Summary

English | Questions
The Poplar Field
William Cowper
Class : 11 | The Magic of Words

This poem is composed by William Cowper. In this poem, the poet has raised his voices against the destruction of the forests and the favour of nature conservation. According to this poem, poplars are cut down and there are no shades. The leaves can't sing melodious songs. So the poet is very sad. The shade and the song of the wind have missed from his sight and the poet doesn't get the image of Ouse River. The black bird has fled away to find the shelter in next trees. Twelve years before, the poet used to enjoy the beautiful scene of
the poplar tree heard the melodious song of the black bird. But now, there is no melodious music of birds and wind as it was before. The poet thinks that he will die one day. He says that all the pleasures of man are destroyed. Even our life is short but our enjoyment will die before our death. He says that he is lying on the earth like the tree. He feels that cutting down the trees is serious as the death of human beings. The poet thinks that she pleasures of man are perishable and momentary. So, he appeals to the people for conserving the nature. He says that deforestation should be stopped. This poem is remarkable for its celebration of the rural and its nostalgic tone. In the past, he had recollected the beauty of nature. But now he has no any pleasures in the world's trees. Thus, he gives the idea of the cut down poplars trees with end of human life and pleasures. 

Important Questions 

1. Summarize the poem "The Popular Field" in one paragraph. 
Ans: The poem `The Popular Field' was composed by William Cowper. The poet compares the condition of the popular field before 12 years and after 12 years. Before twelve years, when he visited the popular field, at that time there were many trees and the shade of these tree could be seen in the Ouse river. The black bird used to sing. The wind used to blow in the leaves. He sat under the trees. But after twelve years he found nothing, only cut down trees were lying on the ground. Finally, the poet compares his life with the condition of those popular trees. The trees were once strong and straight but now they are lying on the ground, similarly, the poet was also handsome and young but now he has become old and he thinks he will lie on the ground soon. It means he will die soon. 

2. What changes did the poet see in the popular field when he came back after 12 years? 
Ans: After twelve years, he saw the many changes in the popular field. The trees were cut down. They were lying down on the ground there was no reflection of trees in the Ouse River. The black birds had left the popular field. The poet couldn't hear bird's song. The wind wasn't blowing in the leaves of the trees as in the past. He sat on cut down trees. 

3. Discuss how the poet links up the idea of the cut down poplars with the end of human life and pleasures. Ans: After twelve years, he saw many changes in the popular field. The trees were cut down. They were lying down on the ground there was no reflection of trees in the Ouse River. The black birds had left the popular field. The poet couldn't hear bird's song. The wind wasn't blowing in the leaves of trees as in the past. He sat on cut down trees. The popular field has changed to a desert. The sight of the fallen poplars makes the poet feel sad. He realizes that he will die soon in the future and lie in the grave like the fallen poplars lying on the grass. The poet also says that our pleasures are shorter than our life. 

4. Write essay on "Living in the country." Or, write an essay on rural life". 
Ans: Country Life means spending our life in village. Most people in our country live in village. There is peaceful environment in the village. There is no noise of vehicles and there isn't much crowd. Village people have fresh air, water, and they have leisure life. They are not as busy as town people. Village people are cooperative and they help each other in need. But there are not many schools and there is illiteracy. Most of them are uneducated. There are less opportunities of job. Everywhere there is poverty. There aren't many facilities of schools, hospital, transport, and so on. Therefore, they can't get good education, treatment well. 

Questions for Practice 
1. What does the poet miss when he visits the poplar field after the poplars were cleared? 
2.Why is William Cowper saddened by the devastation of the poplar trees? 
3.Why do you think the poet has written this poem in the first person? 
4.Discuss how the poet links up the idea of the cut down poplars with the end of human life and pleasures.

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  1. Replies
    1. Exactly what I was wondering if anyone would say this.

    2. Exactly what I was wondering if anyone would say this.

    3. dont see the mistake guys.
      this is some how helpful.

    4. its actually poplar because it actually has a meaning ...i've read this poem in four books and the words poplar doesnot change because poplar is a type of tree

    5. It's Poplar not popular. Poplar means one kind of tree like 'Peepal'.

    6. Plz ....don't disscus in one small mistake......

    7. Wow i hadn't noticed that at all

  2. Great....this notes have been very helpful for me

  3. this is good but need some fres visit here == meropaper hseb notes

  4. Don't judge mistakes.If u find any mistakes u can correct it urself.Try to understand the meaning of the answer. Even in the books we find mistakes that doesn't mean the whole book is bad or the book knows nothing.. So don't assess at first.

    1. That doesnt make sense. Criticisn is key and the fact that you guys are scared of criticisn only says so much

  5. Typical neplese #dontjudge😂

  6. consider this poem as a defence of nature conservation

  7. I remained amazed. Extra helpful. That's for the guide.

  8. It's really helpful and awesome .Way if writing ... thank you

  9. Wwow....such.....a...... brilliant......answers....
    Thank u....
    Thank...u..soo much...

  10. It's really helpful and awesome .Thanks for helping

  11. dae tapae harule garnau vayeko kam dhearae ramro xa.I want to suggest something search bar pani yauta banaunu hosna

  12. so useful summary about The poplar field

  13. so useful summary about The poplar field


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