
Monday, May 13, 2013

Five Important Questions with Answer form "A Worn Path" and Summary

English | Questions
A Worn Path
Eudora Welty
Class : 11 | The Magic of Words

This story is written by Eudora Welty. In this story, the writer has described the journey made by an old woman to get medicine for her grandson who has suffered from throat disease. According to this story, Phoenix goes to the city to gets some medicine for her grandson. She walks up the hill along the way through palm trees. She walks very carefully through the fence protecting her clothes from being torn. When she walks in the cotton field, the old women is very much frightened to see something black and moving on the way, she has many problems of wild animals and rough paths. Though she feels tired, she continues to walk but she feels them as usual things. She thinks that she has lost her senses. When she walks in the cotton field, she is frightened by something. Finally, she knows that it is scarecrow. Then she walks along the narrow paths of hills. When she passes the muddy track and reaches the high bank a dog barks to her. She becomes unconscious and starts dreaming. While a hunter sees her he pulls her up. Finally, she reaches a stone building and climbs the stairs enter the door's office. The nurse asked her about her grandson but she does not reply. She is quite tired on that situation. The nurse brings her a bottle of medicine. She heeds its close to her eyes and puts it carefully into her pocket. And she comes down in hospital building she wants to return after buying a paper windmill for her grandson. Therefore, a worn path has dealt with a serious and difficult journey of old Phoenix. 

Important Questions 

1. Explain Phoenix Jackson and journey she makes to the town of Natchez. 
Ans: Phoenix Jackson is an old lady. She makes her journey to get medicine for her grandson. It was cold early December morning. She had a cane to walk. She has wrinkled face and unlaced shoes. Once she was caught in thorny bush and freed herself. Then she comes across a small river and barbed wire fence. She found herself in cotton field and saw scarecrow. After this, she comes across a dog, which barks at her. She hits the dog with her cane and she herself falls in the ditch. A Whiteman comes and helps her by lifting and she ran after dog. Then she found a shining nickel and put it into her pocket. The Whiteman returned and wanted to give her a dime but he hadn't she saw a church and talks with a lady there. Finally she reached a stone building and climbed stairs. The receptionist asked her a lot of questions. Then comes a nurse and asks questions to Phoenix. Phoenix replied that her grandson had a throat problem. The doctor asked the nurse to give Phoenix medicine freely. The receptionist gave her a nickel and she said that she would buy a paper windmill for grandson. 

2. What was the purpose of Phoenix Jackson's trip to town? What obstacles did she face in her way? 
Ans: The old lady Phoenix Jackson's purpose of her trip to the town was to get some medicine for her grandson who is suffering from throat pain. Her grandson had swallowed lye and his throat stops working. She faced many obstacles on the way to the town. She was caught in thorny bush and freed herself. Later on, she came across a dog. She hits the dog but she fell down herself in to the ditch. The Whiteman helps her. She walks through the jungle. 

3. What does Phoenix keep talking to herself? What do her monologues add to the total portrait of her? 
Ans: Phoenix often talks herself on the way to the town. Mentally she is disturbed because of her grandson's throat problem. When she was on the bank of river, she saw a boy coming towards her with cake in her imagination. When she found Whiteman's nickel, she realized herself as if she was doing something bad. From her monologues, we know about her poor condition of old age, greed for money, love for grandson, courage, etc. 

4. `A worn path' is a story of unconscious heroism of Phoenix Jackson. 
Ans: Phoenix Jackson went to town for medicine for her grandson who had swallowed lye. Her grandson's throat was not working. Nobody is there except Phoenix Jackson and her sick grandson. On the way to town, she speaks to herself on the way. She faces problems one after another. Once she was caught in thorny bush. She freed herself. Then she kicked the dog in spite of her old age when she kicked the dog, she fell into the ditch. She comes across a log and goes ahead. Finally, she brings medicine and returns back home. So this story is a story of unconscious heroism. Her monologues make this factor clear. 

5. Describe two obstacles old Phoenix comes up against on her way to hospital and how she deals with them. 
Ans: Phoenix Jackson is an old lady. She makes her journey to get medicine for her grandson. It was cold early December morning. She had a cane to walk. She has wrinkled face and unlaced shoes. Once she was caught in thorny bush and freed herself. Then she comes across a small river and barbed wire fence. She found herself in cotton field and saw scarecrow. After this, she comes across a dog which barks at her. She hits the dog with her cane and she herself falls in the ditch. A Whiteman comes and helps her by lifting and she ran after dog. Then she found a shining nickel fallen out of the man's pocket. The Whiteman returned and wanted to give her a dime but he hadn't. She saw a church and talks with a lady there. Finally, she reached a stone building and climbed stairs. The receptionist asked her a lot of questions. Then comes a nurse and asks questions to Phoenix. Phoenix replied that her grandson had a throat problem. The doctor asked the nurse to give Phoenix medicine freely. The receptionist gave her a nickel and she said that she would buy a paper windmill for grandson. 

Questions for Practice 
1. Phoenix Jackson sees a nickel fall out of the man's pocket. Rather than tell him about it, she later on hides it. How does this act fit in with her character and with the purpose of her journey? What does Old Phoenix plan to do with the money she has got during the day? Why? 
2. Why did Phoenix steal the nickel? 28
3. What examples do you find in "A Worn Path" that show Phoenix Jackson's concern for her grandchild?

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  1. Thank u google and would u please enter the model question for grade11 commource subject as fast as possible. Thank u google.,

  2. please explain who this story unciou herisoum

  3. Thank you so much a lot because my study education Haigh help so.

  4. We have to write the answer for 5 marks so it is quite short

  5. I can clearly see how lazy ya'll are...
    Just like me..😂😂😂..
    It's just borung to do the english assignment


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