
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Summary of "Duechouk" - Maupassant | Major English Class 12

Short Stories | Major English
"Duechouk" by Maupassant
Class : 12

Maupassant's story "Duchoux" is about a self-centered old man named Barone Mardiane who values position more than family. This story implies that modern civilization has separated man from his true self or nature. Modern men only crave for comfort, money and sex. They have forgotten the values of family bonds and love. 

Barone Mardiane, an aristocratic old bachelor is fed up of with his monotonous life. He feels lonely and sad because he is bored with the same friends, gambling and same activities. In loneliness, he is haunted by the memory of his illegitimate son. He wishes to spend rest of his life with him and his grandchildren. In his young age, he had a short romantic relationship with the wife of governor of a colony. A son was born secretly. The mother died of tuberculosis after three years. Baron had secretly arranged for the boy's education and marriage. Barone goes to meet his son's house. When he reaches there, he meets a boy, lifts him and tries to kiss him. But the smell of garlic coming out from his mouth prevents him. Barone notices that everything the son has does not suit his standard. The servants are dirty, the room is dark and dirty, his son Duchoux is bald headed, shabbily dressed and even daughter-in-law is dirty and shabbily dressed. The room is filled with the odour of garlic. Though Duchoux resembled in many ways with his mother, Barone dislikes him. When the boy comes and calls Duchoux 'father' in a Southern tone, Barone is struck by the word. He hates the rural and uncultured environment of his son's house and returns to Paris.

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