
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Some Important Abbreviation(Fullform) of Computer Science

Some Possible Abbreviation of Computer Science
For : Class 6,7,8,9,10, 11,12 and above too

All the following full form of short form are collected from different sources like books, internet, reference books, E-books which are used in our common life in field of computer. I hope this will help in your exam or in real life. All the Abbreviation are arranged in alphabetical order.


ABC                  - Atnasoff Berry Computer
AC                    - Alternating Circuit
ACM                  - Association for Computing Machinery
ADSL                - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
AI                     - Artificial Intelligence
ALR                  - Advance Logic Research
ALU                  - Arithmetic and Logic Unit
ANSI                 - American National Standard Instruction Codes
AOL                  - America Online
ARCnet             - Attached Resources Computer network
ARP                  - Address Resolution Protocol
ARPA                - Advanced Research Project Agency
ASCII               - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
AT                   - Advance Technology
ATM                 - Automated Teller Machine


B                      - Byte
BASIC               - Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Codes
BCD                  - Binary Coded Decimal
BCR                  - Bar Code Reader
BIOS                - Basic Input Output System
BMP                 - Bitmap
BNC                 - Bayone Neill Councilman
BIT                  - Binary Digits
BPS                  - Bytes Per Second


CA                  - Collision Avoidance
CAD                - Computer Aided Design
CAI                 - Computer Aided Instruction
CAL                - Computer Aided Learning
CAM                - Computer Aided Manufacturing
CAN                - Campus Area Network
CASE              - Computer Aided Software Engineering 
CBE                - Computer Based Education
CBT                - Computer Based Training
CD                  - Compact Disk       ;    Collision  Detection
CD-R              - Compact Disk Recordable 
CD-RW           - Compact Disk Read Write
CGA               - Colored Graphics Adapter
CGI                - Common Gateway Interface 
CISC               - Complex Instruction Set Computer
CMOS             - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
COBOL           - Common Business Oriented Language
COM               - Computer Program for Micro Computer
COMPUTER     - Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used in Trade Education and 
CP/M              - Computer Program For Microfilm
CPI                 - Character Per Inch
CPU               - Central Processing Unit
CRT                - Cathode Ray Tube
CSMA             - Carrier Sense Multiple Access
CSU                - Channel Service Unit
CU                  - Control Unit
CUI                 - Character User Interface


DARPA          - Defense Advance Research Project Agency
DAT                - Digital Audio Tape
DBMS            - Data Base Management System
DNA               - Digital Network Architecture
DNS                - Domain Name Service
DOS                - Disk Operating System
DRAM             - Dynamic Random Access Memory
DSDD              - Double Sided Double Density
DSHD              - Double Sided High Density
DSSD               - Double Sided Single Density
DSU                 - Digital Service Unit
DTD                 - Document Type Definations
DTP                 - Desktop Publishing
DVD                - Digital Versatile/Video Disk
DVD-R            - Digital Versatile/Video Disk Recordable
DVD-RW        - Digital Versatile/Video Read Write


EBCDIC          - Extend Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
E-Bank             - Electronic Bank
E-Commerce     - Electronic Commerce  
EDI                   - Electronic Data Interchange
EDP                 - Electronic Data Processing
EDSAC            - Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer
EDVAC            - Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer 
EEPROM          - Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
E-Government   - Electronic Government
E-Fax               - Electronic Fascinated Exchange
E-Mail              - Electronic Mail 
EMI                 - Electro Magnetic Interface
ENIAC            - Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
EPROM           - Electrically Programmable Read Only Memory
E-Service          - Electronic Commerce


FAQ                 - Frequently Asked Question
FAT                 - File Allocation Table
FDDI                - Fiber Distributed Data Interface
FLOPS            - Floating Point Instruction Per Second
FM                  - Frequency Modulation
FMC               - Flight Management Computer
FORTAN        - Formula Translation
FTP                 - File Transfer Protocol


G2G                 - Government To Government
G2B                  - Government To Business
G2C                  - Government To Citizens
GaAs                - Gallium Arsenide
GB                    - Giga Byte
GBPS                - Giga Byte Per Second
GHz                   - Giga Hertz
GIF                    - Graphic Interchange Format
GIGO               - Garbage-In-Garbage-Out
GL                    - Generation Language
GPL                   - General Public Language
GUI                   - Graphical User Interface


HD                  - High Definition
HLCIT            - High Level Commission for Information Technology
HLL                - High Level Language
HMD               - Head Mounted Display
HTML             - Hyper Text Markup Language
HTTP              - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
Hz                   - Hertz


IAB                - Internet Architecture Board
IBM               - International Business Machine
IC                  - Integrated Circuit
ICT                - Information and Communication Technologies
IEEE              - Institute of Electrical and Electrical Engineers
IETF              - Internet Engineering Task Force
INIC              - Internet Network Information Centre
IP                   - Internet Protocol
IPX                - Internetworked Packet Exchange
IPO                - Input Process Output
IRC                - Internet Relay Chat
ISDN             - Integrated Service Digital Network
ISP                 - Internet Service Provider
IT                   - Information Technology
IU                   - Input Unit


JPEG             - Joint Picture Expert Group
JIT                 - Just in Time


KB                - Kilo Byte
KBPS            - Kilo Byte per Second


LAN             - Local Area Network
LCD             - Liquid Crystal For Display
LED              - Light Emitting Diodes
LISP              - List Processor
LLL               - Low Level Language
LPM             - Lines Per Minute
LSI               - Large Scale Integration


MAC              - Media Access Control
MAN             - Metropolitan Area Network
MB                 - Mega Bytes
MBPS            - Mega Bytes Per Second
MCGA           - Multi Colored Graphics Adapter
MF2HD          - Micro Floppy Disk Doubled Sided High Density
MHz               - Mega Hertz
MICR             - Magnetic Ink-Character Reader 
MIDI              - Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MILNET         - Military Network
MLL                - Machine Level Language 
MODEM        - Modulator And Demodulator
MOS               - Metal Oxide Semiconductor
MOST             - Ministry of Science and Technology
MPEG             - Moving Picture Expert Group 
MS                  - Microsoft
MSI                 - Medium Scale Integration
MU                  - Memory Unit


NAV                - Norton Antivirus
NEC                 - Nippon Electronics
NIC                 - Network Interface Card
NOS                - Network Operating System


OCR                 - Optical Character Reader
OMR                - Optical Character Reader
OOP                 - Object Oriented Program
OS                    - Operating System
OSS                  - Open Source Software
OU                    - Output Unit


PARC               - Palo Alto Research centre
PC                    - Personal Computer
PCB                  - Printed Circuit Board
PCI                   - Peripheral Component Interconnect
PDA                  - Personal Digital Assistant
PDF                  - Platform Independent Document Format
PKI                   - Public Key Infrastructure
PL                     - Programming Language
PM                    - Phase Modulation
POP                  - Post Office Protocol
POS                  - Point of Sales
POST                - Power On Self Test
PROLOG          - Programming Logic
PROM               - Programmable Read Only Memory 
PS                      - Personal System
PSTN                 - Public Switched Telephone Network


QB                  - Q-Basic


R                       - Recordable
RAM                 - Read Only Memory
RDBMS            - Relational Data Base Management System
RISC                 - Reduced Instruction Set Computer
RJ                      - Register Jack
ROM                - Random Access Memory
RPG                  - Report Program Generator
RW                   - Read Write / Rewriteable


SDRAM            - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SGML               - Standard Generalized Markup Language 
SIMM               - Single IN-Line Memory Module
SMPS               - Switch Mode Power Supply
SMTP               - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 
SNA                 - System Network Architecture
SNOBOL         - String Oriented Symbolic Language
SPX                  - Sequenced Packet Exchange
SRAM              - Static Random Access Memory
SSDD               - Single Sided Double Density
SSHD               - Single Sided High Density
STP                  - Shielded Twisted Pair
SVGA              - Super Video Graphics Array


TB                   - Terra Byte
TBPS               - Terra Byte Per Second
TCP                 - Transfer Control Protocol
TLD                 - Top Level Domain
TPC                 - Twisted Pair Cable


UCITA            - Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act
UDT                - User Data Type
UHF                - Ultra High Frequency
ULSI               - Ultra Large Scale Integration
ULSIC            - Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuit
UNCITRAL    - United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
UNIVAC        - Universal Automatic Computer
UPS                - Uninterruptible Power Supply
URL                - Uniform Resource Locator
USB                - Universal Serial Bus
UTP                - Unshielded Twisted Pair


VB                  - Visual Basic
VDT                - Video Display Terminal
VGA               - Video Graphics Adapter
VLSI               - Very Large Scale Integration
VLSIC            - Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit
VPN               - Virtual Private Network
VOIP              - Voice Over Internet Protocol
VSAT             - Very Small Aperture Terminal


WAN             - Wide Area Network
WMA             - Windows Media Audio
WMV             - Windows Media Vedio
WORM          - Write Once Read More
WWW           - World Wide Web


XML              - Extensible Markup Language
XT                 - Extended Technology



2D                  - Two Dimension
3D                  - Three Dimension
3G                  - Third Generation
4D                  - Four Dimension
4Gl                 - 4th Generation Language

This article is submitted by Pusparaj Ojha. If you like it then please share it with your friends and don't forget to comment. Feel free to comment.

About Pusparaj Ojha :
He is a computer teacher in Axis Vidyashram which is located in Dhangadhi kailali Nepal.  
He pass his time with his students, writing or in blogging. You are able to find him in Facebook or in Google+.

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  1. Replies
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      Some Important Abbreviation(Fullform) Of Computer Science - Hseb Notes >>>>> Download LINK

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  2. OMR- Optical Mark Reader.... correct it

  3. Interchange RAM and ROM full form...correct it

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