
Friday, March 29, 2013

Download MBBS Entrance Questions Paper With Answer Explanation | AIIMS version 2.0

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If you have completed 12th standard with above 50% marks then you are applicable MBBS Entrance Exam.Your 12th standard subject must be Physics ,Chemistry , Biology and English. I have attached some Various type of MBBS entrance paper so please check it out.This paper are really helpful for you. Download it and read.
Some Questions from file :
A. A dead born foetus does not have:
1. Rigor mortis at birth.  2. Adipocere formation. 3.Maceration. 4. Mummification.
Ans 2/4??

B. False sense of perception without any external object or stimulus is known as:
1. Illusion.  2. Impulse. 3.Hallucination. 4. Phobia.
Ans 3

C. Species identifications is done by:
1.Neutron activation analysis (N.A.A.).  2. Precipitin test. 3. Benzidine test.  4. Spectroscopy.
Ans 2 -Tests for species identification are Precipitin test, Latex agglutination test, Haem-agglutination inhibition test.

D. In a suspected case of death due to poisoning where cadaveric rigidity is lasting longer than usual, it may be a case of poisoning due to:
1. Lead.  2. Arsenic. 3. Mercury.  4. Copper.
Ans 2

E. 'Whip-lash' injuries is caused due to:
1. A fall from a height.  2. Acute hyperextension of the spine. 3. A blow on top to head.  4. Acute hyper flexion of the spine. 
Ans 2 (Ref Maheshwari page 147, CSDT 11th ed 1206)- This injury occurs due to rear end automobile collision.The body of victim is accelerated by the impact force but the head is left behind.Sudden hyperextension followed by sudden hyperflexion occurs. It is mentioned that in mild forms only subtle hyperextension injuries zare found in X Ray.So hyperextension being the primary injury is most important answer. Other questions about Whiplash-
Characteristic feature is that Plain X ray may be normal. Radiological features suggestive of this unstable injury are
1) Widening of anterior disc space
2) Injury to facets joints, pedicle or lamina
3) Avulsion fractures of anterior vertebral body
4) Retropharyngeal swelling / Fracture of posterior facet.Reversal of cervical lordosis suggests damage to posterior facets and manifests as S Shaped (swan neck deformity)Kyphosis seen most often at C4-C5, C5-C6 levels.

F. All of the following form radiolucent stones except:
1. Xanthine.  2. Cysteine. 3. Allopurinol. 4. Orotic acid. 
Ans 2. Radio-opaque stone are Struvite, cysteine, oxlate. Radiolucent are Xanthine, uric acid and uric acid. Allopurinol stones do not exist as such but ­ Allopurinol may lead to xanthine stones.

G. A young female presents with history of dyspnoea on exertion. On examination, she has wide, fixed split of S2 with ejection systolic murmur (III/VI) in left second intercostals space. Her EKG shows left axis deviation. The most probable diagnosis is :
1. Total anomalous pulmonary venous drainge. 2. Tricuspid atresia. 3. Ostium primum atrial septal defect. 4. Ventricular septal defect with pulmonary arterial hypertension. 
Ans 3

H. Which test is performed to detect reversible myocardial ischemia ?
1. Coronary angiography. 2. MUGA scan. 3. Thallium scan. 4. Resting echocardiography. 
Ans 3

I. A 62 years old man with caracioma of lung presented to emergency department with respiratory distress. His EKG showed electrical alternans. The most likely diagnosis is :
1. Pneumothorax. 2. Pleural effusion. 3. Cardiac tamponade. 4. Constrictive pericarditis. 
Ans 3

J. Atrial fibrillation may occur in all of the following conditions, except:
1. Mitral stenosis.    2. Hypothyroidism.   3. Dilated cardiomyopathy.   4. Mitral regurgitation. 
Ans 2 (Causes of AF include hyperthyroidism)

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